No vacation is complete with out this Rocko's Rockverse Beach Towel! This all-over print towel is inspired by the 90's Nickelodeon cartoon Rocko's Modern Life, created by Joe Murray. The show is based around the surreal, parodic adventures of an anthropomorphic, Australian-immigrant wallaby named Rocko, and his new life in the city of O-Town. The show explores his American life as well as the lives of his friends: the gluttonous steer Heffer, the neurotic turtle Filburt, and Rocko's faithful dog, Spunky. Get this beach towel today, available now!!
Designer: The Alchemist
This product is hand made and made on-demand. Expect delivery to US in 11-20 business days (international 14-30 business days).
One-Sided |
Width |
30 |
Height |
62 |